Tattoo the original language is the Tahitian "tatu" which means "sign". According to art historians of this tattoo has appeared since 12,000 years BC. At the time denoted by dalu tattoo ritual for ancient tribes like the Maori, Inca, Ainu, Polynesians, etc.. In Egypt, there is historical evidence tattoo on pyramids, the oldest form of tattoo. Because according to history, the Egyptians who had a prickly growing proliferation of tattoos in the world. The Egyptian's known as a strong nation that famous, so because of their expansion of the nations laen, tattoo art also went along with widespread, as to the Greek, Persian, and Arabic. (Sheero visit Mero Disco)

What is the reason for the ancient tribes of the world make a Tattoo? Ancient Greeks used tattoos as badges of the members of their intelligence, aka a spy during the war. Here, tattoo shows the ranks of those spies. different from the Romans, they used
the tattoo as a sign that someone is coming from a slave class, and also Tattoo dirajahi to each body of the prisoner. Maori tribe in New Zealand made Tattoo shaped spiral carvings on the face and buttocks. According to them, this is a sign of a good offspring. In the Solomon Islands, tattoo etched on her face as a ritual to mark a new stage in their lives. Almost the same as above, the Nuer tribe in Sudan use Tattoo to mark the rite of initiation in boys. The Indians paint and sculpt the body of their skins to add beauty or show a certain social status.

Shen Wen aka Tattoo or Rajah smulai merambahi taon China around 2000 BC. Wen Shen said to mean "acupuncture body". Keep in mind, just like the Romans, the ancient Chinese memakaiTtattoo to indicate that someone was in jail. While in China itself, Tattoo culture is in some ethnic minority, which has been inherited by their ancestors, such as ethnic Drung, Dai, and Li, but only the women who come from ethnic Li and Drung who have certain habits of her face tattooed. History customary Drung ethnic Tattoo appear around the end of Emperor Ming dynastic period (about 350 years ago), when they were attacked by a group of other ethnic groups and at the time they rounded up some Drung ethnic women to serve as slaves. In order to avoid the occurrence of rape, the women were then tattooed their faces to make them look less attractive in the eyes of the kidnapper. Although now the women of the Drung ethnic minorities is no longer in a state is threatened by the invasion of other ethnic minorities, but they still continue to maintain these customs as a symbol of the power of maturity. The girls from ethnic minorities face tattooed Drung when they are aged between 12 and 13 years as a symbol of growing up themselves. There are several different explanations, why the women are tattooed on his face. Some people say, that the Drung ethnic citizens who considered women to look more beautiful Tattoo and the Drung ethnic Adam would not marry a woman who does not have a tattoo on his face. In Indonesia, the Mentawai people of the Mentawai islands, Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, and Sumba in NTB tribe, have known since the first tattoo. Even for the Dayak tribe, someone who managed to "decapitate" the enemy, he's got a tattoo on his hand. Likewise with the Mentawai tribe, his tattoo is not made lightly. Before making tattoo done, there Enegaf aka Harvest initiation ceremony conducted in Puturkaf Uma (traditional house gallery Mentawai tribe). The ceremony was presided over by Sikerei (shaman). After the ceremony is completed, then the process was carried out Tattoo.